Share Your Voice
Your Journey Matters
What if the words don’t come?
Tips and Suggestions for Writing Your Impact Statement
Be kind and patient with yourself
Writing is hard for most people at the best of times. This is most likely a painful subject for you that is going bring up a lot of emotions. Honor your feelings as you write. Take as much time as you need. It’s very normal to need to walk away from what you’re writing for a few hours/days/weeks and then pick it up again with a clear mind.
Give yourself a dedicated space and time to write your statement
Identify or create a space for you to write where you feel safe. Find a time when you are less likely to be interrupted and block it off for yourself. Start small if you need to. Maybe you only write for a few minutes when you sit down the first time. Or maybe you get into a groove and you get out the whole statement in one go. Do what feels right to you.
Don’t be afraid to look at examples
If you feel stuck on where to start, look for examples of other people’s Impact Statements. Google some examples or look at the other statements posted on this site.
Remember that this statement iS 100% yours
This is your journey and your words. If you can, think about writing your statement in the first person. The thoughts, feelings and experiences that you describe belong to you – the joys and sorrows alike. They are a part of you.
But also remember that you have complete agency over what you write. You can give as much or as little detail as you want. You can describe what happened to you or you can reflect only on how it has impacted the rest of your life. You can write just a single sentence if that is all you have to give right now. Do whatever feels right and healing for you. This is your statement, your voice, and your choice over what you would like to contribute.