Guest Post

I have always worn a bikini. Wearing a bikini always made me feel like I wasn’t a short square person. When I was in middle school and all my friends were taller than me, somehow, I thought showing my stomach would make me look taller and leaner. Fast forward many years and two kids I would still always rock my bikinis.
When my family would travel to the ocean, lake or pool I never could fully participate… I was constantly holding on to pieces of my suit. My kids would always push for me to jump in, go off the slide, but instead I sat on the edge watching and missing out on the fun.
I was recently at store with my 7-year-old daughter who picked out a one piece and said “mom, this would look great on you”. I cringed at the white flowered swimsuit and purchased it without trying it on and thinking we will see how this goes.
As I slid on the swimsuit, I decided it was more important to focus on my kids and the memories I would have with them than worry about what others may be thinking. The swimsuit became my superhero outfit, I knew I was missing out on fun but never so much; I went down a slide headfirst …
I wasn’t just missing out on fun. I was missing the opportunity to be a positive role model for my two daughters who are at very formable ages. By stepping out of my comfort zone and wearing that one-piece swimsuit, I was able to have fun with my kids, be comfortable in my body but show my daughters what is important.
And sometimes what is important is going headfirst into something you have never done before.